Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Islam: No Joke, No Cartoon

“Any person who burns or desecrates a cross or other religious
symbol, knowing it to be a religious symbol, on the private property
of another without authorization for the purpose of terrorizing the
owner or occupant of that private property or in reckless disregard
of the risk of terrorizing the owner or occupant of that private
property, or who burns, desecrates, or destroys a cross or other
religious symbol, knowing it to be a religious symbol, on the
property of a primary school, junior high school, or high school for
the purpose of terrorizing any person who attends or works at the
school or who is otherwise associated with the school, shall be
punished [CALIFORNIA CODES, PENAL CODE , SECTION 11410-11414]”

Islam means “Peace”. When you mock a person's God, the prophet of their God, or any symbol of the same, you dishonor, and disrespect them, while threatening their peace of mind because what usually follows is something more aggressive, and often some personal violent form of attack. In effect, one desecrates the peace. So, in America we prevent that from happening and prosecute the offender. Our laws protect the peace.

Islamic people are no different. They feel disrespected, dishonored, and threatened as we do. In the face of the aggression of the West they now feel terrified by the West. The West is responsible for the deaths of over a million innocent people, mostly children, and the numbers are ever growing. The West has desecrated their land, their livelihood, their ancient culture, their women, children, venerated aged, their wealth, their peace, has inspired civil war in many cities, and now it attacks their religion and their god, and all for the purpose of stealing their geological possessions. If you wish to see a different response from Islamic zealots, Why not try this: Jesus taught us to love our enemies. That as much more threatening than our military weapons and personal raping their culture. Islam hates Christianity more than anything else. Ouch! So, when they attack a real Believer preaching brotherly love, as he lay bleeding and dying, he may say, "I forgive you, and may the love of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you, my brother." And, as the life drains from his shattered body, he says, "Islam ale cum", then dies. You have two choices, either you see this guy as utterly revolting, or you begin to wonder who God, and love truly is, and be converted to considering love, life and peace. And, somebody changes his mind about war and killing. In effect, that person could conceivably transcend religion, hate, and all the theologies the separates us, and truly know that eternal Peace which surpasses all understanding. Sound absurd? Many have. I have. I am hoping one day Barbara Marx Hubbard gets this understanding soon. I fear she is polishing up the guillotines as we speak for my seventeen inch neck.

This is the reason why the West finds it so hard to understand such a bitter response. The peace we think we have in the West we think was founded upon this noble, albeit, idealistic, ethos. When, in actuality, it was founded on "Guns, Germs and Steel." But, even this seemingly humane viewpoint is rather rabid-ly changing. Let's face it, the modern West has been vicious and blinded in its lust for power, wealth and cruelty since William the Conqueror. Today we compare to the Romans whose perverse voyeuristic souls delighted in seeing innocent, prayerful victims suffering, and begging for mercy, while being publicly tortured in the arena. Been to the movies lately? But why ... why so violent, Oliver? Answer: The masses will pay for violence. Big!

More sadly, the rules of Social Darwinism govern the grand play for world hegemony. The world leaders live and swear by it, even quiver for it [satanists all of them] though quietly hidden under classified cloaks called national security [classified: of the superior class]. It goes like this: one culture can only truly evolve after having destroyed the existing one unmercifully, and with unrelenting brutally –plain and simple [cf.: Mien Kampf, Lenin, Caiphas, Stalin, Chief Joseph's writings, Skull & Bones, Robert J. Lifton, Genesis]. Once the minds and beliefs of the dumbed down, half educated masses have been transformed through fear, and have fully assumed the new Aryan mentality of prosperity, democracy for all [global hegemony], the technology, and the machinery of genocide is what destroys human beings, while the loyal soldiers main concerns, stress, and feelings are focused, and limited only to critical issues of precision, efficiency, and masterful execution of the gory pogroms. Had your flu shot lately? [cf.: Lifton, "The Nazi Doctors", p.493, "The Technology of Genocide". Read it on the web] - Wildfeather