Wednesday, July 19, 2006

No More Moolah?

new word: Mullahcrasy

has an interesting ring to it
a cabal of certain oilers in Iran feel
its time to move on Israel

Israel bit the bait

it gets serious now
the US will step in later
after it all turns to rubble
providing the new infrastructure
everybody was hoping for

the Iranians get to pay for this
and when they are finished
there will be no more moolah

See article by Michael Ledeen on the current situation.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Isreal Bombs Lebanon Bombs Isreal

to defend themselves

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Killing Carnage Rape ... The Big Picture.

" ... The affidavit says three soldiers allegedly accompanied Green into the house, and another soldier was told to monitor the radio while the assault took place.

The affidavit says Green shot the woman's relatives, including a girl of about 5; raped the young woman; then fatally shot her.

Soldiers are quoted in the affidavit as telling investigators that Green and his companions then set the family's house afire, threw an AK-47 rifle used in the killings into a canal and burned their bloodstained clothing."

As a Viet Nam combat soldier may I respond to the above news clip.

The premeditated rape of a fifteen year old girl and the killing of her family is a simple, graphic view and picture of the premeditated rape of a nation and the killing, carnage, destruction, starvation, burning, terror and shock, pillage, trauma, insanity, schizophrenia, madness, torment, anguish, hideous suffering, foul smell, cursing, hatred, demonizing, justified continuous vicious crimes, vengeance, scapegoating, maliciousness, blame, punishment, separation of loved ones, incessant hurting, maiming of fathers, mothers, the aged, innocent children, wicked delight in bloodlust, indiscriminate butchery, mayhem, instilled chaos, premeditated disorder, dividing brothers and sisters, social fragmentation, shutting down of senses, soul bludgeoning, the repression of emotions, the suppression of awareness of human need, the obsessed dehumanizing of a weak broken people, the team effort in mobilizing, sustaining and maximizing the efficient use of killing machines for the destruction of human flesh, the earth, and private property, the stealing, murder, adultery, crucifixions, hating of God, covetousness, utter darkness, false witness, and utter damnable offenses of war as the foundation of a freedom, and democracy that has it's birthplace in the satanic furnace of hell on earth. The fruits of what follow is judgment.

This is why many combat veterans understand that war is an unthinkable option to achieve any goal. I repent of having engaged in it. I was deceived. It is a common option used by criminals to control others, and gain superiority. The act of war as a premeditated offensive act for gain or profit is murder. - Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Wife Carrying Competition - The True Test

is the true test of a man

best seen
in how long

how far

and how fast

one is willing to carry his wife ... ?

... some think so ...