Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Blaming Gazans vs. Loving Enemies

PM: Palestinian extremists to blame for Gazans' suffering Haaretz ^ | 5/29/7 |by SmithL:
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Tuesday blamed Palestinian extremism for being primarily responsible for the suffering of Gaza Strip residents.
"Gaza residents are the victims of extremism and leaders who are willing to shed their blood and deprive them of the right to live in peace and security," said Olmert, during a Knesset event honoring the local authorities.
Olmert added that "Israel will not cease its operations against those launching Qassam rockets, and will not hesitate to strike those responsible for terrorism."
"We have no intention of reaching any kind of settlement, neither with Hamas nor with Islamic Jihad," said the prime minister. "We will hit them and continue to hit them."*****************
Christ's words win the hearts of thousands in Israel —The Gospel of Matthew, First Century :
Christ, the Messiah of Israel said that it is better to love your enemies and do good those who spitefully use you. He said that if someone strikes you on one cheek turn to him the other. He said to give to everyone who asks of you. He said "Have no fear".
History shows repeatedly that when these principles are practiced people live in peace, and that when they are rejected many people will die in their wars.
Mahatma Gandhi said that he was testing the words of Jesus to see if they worked on a corporate level in the present and on a corporate or national level. India gained her independence from the British without warring against them except through passive non violent social disobedience. She proved to the world that the best way to conquer one's enemies is through love as Christ had taught. The reason that people use violence is that it is simply the natural instinctive thing to do. Those whose life and philosophy represents what is beyond or above the natural and instinctive and aspire to the supernatural and intuitive have these powers and inspire others to embrace them as well. They make higher use of their faculties of intellect and will and therefore peace is the result.
The name of Jerusalem means "City of Peace" it is the first truly international city and possibly the oldest which predates the patriarch Abraham who is the father of the Israel and the Arab peoples. It was founded by Melchisadek who was called the priest of Salem and considered to be the first son of Noah, Shem.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Italian City Faces Rubbish Crisis

*****NEWS FLASH!!!******* This just in:
One of the area's landfill sites is full, meaning that rubbish collectors have not been doing their rounds.
The streets are stinking, piled with thousands of tonnes of rotting rubbish in sweltering temperatures.
President Giorgio Napolitano, who is from Naples, has pledged to help end the crisis.
The southern city of one million people is experiencing an early heatwave that has already seen temperatures touch 30C.
"The stench is truly unbearable. Look at all these dogs running about. We'll all die at this rate," local student Michela Giordano told Reuters news agency.
'Threat of toxins'
Frustrated residents have taken to torching heaps of rubbish - by one count, there were 130 such fires on Tuesday night alone, reports the BBC's Mark Duff in Milan. (more)
[Post post]
Mafia Dominates Garbage Industry |
By Francesca Colombo*
An estimated 158 families in organized crime rings in Italy are getting rich off the trafficking of 35 million tons of garbage a year.
MILAN - Traditional areas of business apparently came up short for the Italian mafia, which is diversifying into a new and promising field: trafficking in toxic waste that poses a threat to residents' health and the environment, moving 2.6 billion dollars a year.
Italy produces 80 million tons of waste a year – both ordinary trash and toxic waste -- of which 35 million tons are handled by criminal organizations, like "cosa nostra" of Sicily, "La 'ndreghetta reggina" of Calabria, "sacra corona" of Puglia or the "camorra" in Naples, which deal with waste collection, elimination and recycling.
"It's a complex problem. It is too costly for industries to treat their waste, so they accept the offers of the trafficking companies, which charge 400 times less than the others," said Stefano Di Franco, chief of Rome's Forestry Corps, a police unit specializing in environmental protection.
The mafia, which emerged in Italy in the 19th century, manages 78 billion dollars a year, a flow that comes from extortion, smuggling and drug trafficking. But it also controls prostitution, clandestine immigration, and trafficking of human organs, weapons and animals, according to the study "Crime and Money", published in 2002 by the Bocconi University of Milan. (more)