Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Is Greenspan Working To Destroy US Economy? No!

[Some say yes, some say no. After reading Mr. Greenspan's book, "Age of Turbulence", I personally disagree with the Infowars article but instead wish to identify it as knee-jerk populist hype designed to influence the minds of the uninformed. The reason I know it's hooey is because Mr. Greenspan's history reveals an individual who has been the chief advocate of free open markets, and international economic balance. I think that he believes that all peoples should have an opportunity to work and eat. There are many in the US and Europe who think that that privilege belongs only to us. Frightening as it may appear, recent history has shown a remarkably stable international market with low inflation and emerging diversification and market. We need to find our rightful place if we hope to survive. That place in my view must be determined what is in fact of value among us rather than what we think is valuable. This may come as a shock to us. And, behaviorally, that shock must be first represented in the market, and in our pocket books before any changes are likely to occur. His feeling is that although these shifts must occur, in effect, due to the overall strength of the global economy, the effects upon the US will be "benign". But, that has always been the case. I personally had difficulties during the recession of the 90's, but I never missed a meal.]

Puppets of the elite posing as saviors once again Editorial
day, Sept 18, 2007

Over the past few days Alan Greenspan has appeared in every major financial publication to explain exactly what is going to happen to the economy and what the next steps should be, while also deriding the Neocon administration for the current downturn. For this he has been lauded as some form of economic savior, yet a cursory examination of the facts reveals that the economic decline has long been in the pipeline and Greenspan and his ilk operate under the influence of those who continue to engineer the slow meltdown.

Alan Greenspan and Paul Volker, both former Federal Reserve Chairmen, along with current chairman Ben Bernanke, the Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Alistair Darling, Exchequer of the Treasury in England have been out in unison since last Friday announcing over and over that the economy is going to implode, there is going to be serious inflation, housing is going to go down between ten and thirty percent, and the Dollar is going to be replaced with the Euro. ... more