Sunday, August 03, 2008

Cheney Hersh and Bogus PT Boats

The following is a response to an article in Free Republic on the recent Hersh exposé of Cheney's meetings to developo a pretense for invading Iran.

My inside sources say that Hersh’s exposé will provoke a savage scalping within the administration of the United States at this critical time. Exactly who was Hersh’s source who leaked this information? Seeds of disloyalty effectively planted, Cheney’s people will now demand answers as grave mistrust invades each frightened suspicious soul. They will shift their interpersonal war dance to a distance wiggling and slithering themselves away from one another. Odorous internal intrigues naturally follow insult and dishonor. Thus, the public interest and the national security is enfeebled again as self interest and job trauma take precedence. This common tactic exists on all levels of high school and high politics. It is as demonic and subtle as Mr. Hersh sitting cross-legged in front of a closed basket wearing a turban and playing a flute. Exposés on this level are insidiously destructive resulting in Three Stooge stumblings from grace and a frenetic roach race away from the light toward the outer darkness —a colorful set to behold. The greedy lust for treachery (among certain writers) derives its greatest rush from betraying chiefs; even whole nations. Some say that Hersh’s My Lai Massacre exposé served as a decoy which prevented the sheeple from seeing what was actually beneath the psychology, bureaucracy, and technology of genocide. The cinch around Mr. Cheney’s political snout has just become tighter. [cf.: “The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide” Robert Jay Lifton, New York: Basic Books Inc.]

Cheney Hersh and Bogus PT Boats

My inside sources say that Hersh’s exposé will provoke a savage scalping within the administration of the United States at this critical time. Exactly who was Hersh’s source who leaked this information? Seeds of disloyalty effectively planted, Cheney’s people will now demand answers as grave mistrust invades each frightened suspicious soul. They will shift their interpersonal war dance to a distance wiggling and slithering themselves away from one another. Odorous internal intrigues naturally follow insult and dishonor. Thus, the public interest and the national security is enfeebled again as self interest and job trauma take precedence. This common tactic exists on all levels of high school and high politics. It is as demonic and subtle as Mr. Hersh sitting cross-legged in front of a closed basket wearing a turban and playing a flute. Exposés on this level are insidiously destructive resulting in Three Stooge stumblings from grace and a frenetic roach race away from the light toward the outer darkness —a colorful set to behold. The greedy lust for treachery (among certain writers) derives its greatest rush from betraying chiefs; even whole nations. Some say that Hersh’s My Lai Massacre exposé served as a decoy which prevented the sheeple from seeing what was actually beneath the psychology, bureaucracy, and technology of genocide. The cinch around Mr. Cheney’s political snout has just become tighter. [cf.: “The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide” Robert Jay Lifton, New York: Basic Books Inc.]