Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Fundamental Ingredient for Bullshoot!

"A fundamental ingredient for life has been discovered in a comet sample, supporting the idea that such icy objects seeded early Earth with the stuff needed to whip up living organisms." -Fox News

How utterly ridiculous the implication that because the parts were here life evolved. I just finished a mosaic. Did the design evolve or happen spontaneously over millions of years? Did the pieces cut and fit themselves into the design randomly? Did the grout find it's way into the pieces being finished to a soft pristine appearance? It is unthinkable that a Stradivarius could have been whipped up without an artist, a planner, a designer; a maker. Those who believe such nonsense are likewise unthinkable. God is love. Love is the source of life. Life is the source of truth. The three together are God. Separate any one of these elements and there is idolatry.