Tuesday, June 27, 2006

VeriChip Tracking People Like Dogs in Oakland, Mexico and Baha

VeriChip is a corporation which creates microchips. They specialize in ground-breaking technologies including the FDA-cleared, human-implantable RFID microchip, the only patented active RFID tag with skin-sensing capabilities, the smallest active RFID tags with the longest battery life, patented anti-collision technology providing unobstructed support for up to 16 million ID tags while improving battery life for the utmost in scale and reliability, the only auto-ID technology platform providing data collection, location awareness, and decision processing to any application leveraging one or more auto-ID tag technologies (e.g. active RFID, passive RFID, bar code, Wi-Fi).

Imagine that!

Oakland Requires ID Chips for Dogs

You have no choice but to have a microchip imbedded under your skin in Oakland if you are a dog.

Here's a VeriChip press release:

172 New Physicians Elect to Offer VeriMed ID System to Patients

March 20 2006

Interest at Leading Medical Industry Event Increases Physician Adoption to 232

DELRAY BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 20, 2006--VeriChip Corporation, a subsidiary of Applied Digital (NASDAQ: ADSX - News), announced today that 172 new physicians registered to provide the VeriMed(TM) Patient Identification System to select patients at the recently completed American Medical Directors Association (AMDA) 2006 Annual Symposium held March 16-19 in Dallas. Overall, since the FDA granted clearance of VeriChip for medical applications, 232 doctors have elected to provide the System. 80 hospitals and medical facilities nationwide previously agreed to adopt the VeriMed Patient Identification System for patient identification.

"We believe the strong acceptance that the VeriMed Patient Identification System achieved at this key industry conference represents a significant step in developing widespread acceptance of VeriChip," said VeriChip Corporation Chief Executive Officer Kevin McLaughlin. "It is essential for physicians, who will be implementing the implantation process, to recognize the important role that the VeriChip can play in providing immediate access to medical records in critical care situations. Moreover, while some early adopters learn of VeriMed on their own, we expect many patients to first learn of VeriMed from their physicians. Last year, we signed up many new hospitals at the American College of Emergency Physicians' Scientific Assembly. We will continue to target leading healthcare industry events as a cost-effective way to rapidly expand adoption of the VeriMed Patient Identification System."

VeriMed is the first and only FDA-cleared patient identification system using implantable RFID technology, consisting of a handheld reader, a microchip approximately the size of a grain of rice (containing a unique 16-digit ID number), and a secure, patient database. Using the handheld reader, healthcare professionals are able to securely obtain a patient's unique ID contained in the microchip in their right arm. They then look up the ID in a patient-designated, secure healthcare information database - either through the facility's electronic medical record system or through VeriChip's secure Web site. For the thousands of patients presenting in emergency departments each day either unconscious or unable to communicate for themselves due to medical conditions, VeriMed offers a secure, rapid and accurate solution to accessing their medical information.

About VeriChip Corporation

VeriChip Corporation, headquartered in Delray Beach, Florida, develops, markets and sells radio frequency identification, or RFID, systems used to identify, locate and protect people and assets. VeriChip's goal is to become the leading provider of RFID systems for people in the healthcare industry. VeriChip sells passive RFID systems for identification purposes and active RFID system for local-area location and identification purposes. VeriChip recently began to market its VeriMed(TM) patient identification system which is used to rapidly and accurately identify people who arrive in an emergency room and are unable to communicate. VeriChip's VeriMed(TM) patient identification system uses the first human-implantable passive RFID microchip, the implantable VeriChip(TM), cleared for medical use in October 2004 by the United States Food and Drug Administration.

About Applied Digital - "The Power of Identification Technology"

Applied Digital develops innovative identification and security products for consumer, commercial, and government sectors worldwide. The Company's unique and often proprietary products provide identification and security systems for people, animals, the food supply, government/military arena, and commercial assets. Included in this diversified product line are RFID applications, end-to-end food safety systems, GPS/Satellite communications, and telecomm and security infrastructure, positioning Applied Digital as the leader in identification technology. Applied Digital is the owner of a majority position in Digital Angel Corporation.

Statements about the Company's future expectations, including future revenues and earnings, and all other statements in this press release other than historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, and the Company's actual results could differ materially from expected results. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect subsequently occurring events or circumstances.

People like dogs are being herded together, marked like slaves, tracked down like animals, and all with the euphamisms of sweet words like: security, safety, innovation, solutions, and Gulag. Where do you intend to get yours, in your wrist, forehead or maybe a designer version dangling through your tongue or nostril?

Saturday, June 24, 2006

World Wide Web of Dark Secret Prisons Called "Black Sites".

The salt pit in Afghanistan

Washington Post article: Debate Is Growing Within Agency About Legality and Morality of Overseas System Set Up After 9/11

(Researcher Julie Tate contributed to this report) Washington Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, November 2, 2005; Page A01

Questions by Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather:

1. Were the Nazi concentration camps classified and secret?

2. Was anybody ever released from Nazi concentration camps?

3. Did the Nazi concentration camps ever permit inmates to be visited?

4. Did perverted tortures and wicked experiments take place in Nazi concentration camps.

5. Was there any justice in Nazi concentration camps?

6. Were Nazi concentration camps evidence of the constitutional republican of a free people or of a dictatorship of a nation in bondage?

7. Is it true that people who are taken there are only suspects and have committed no crimes?

8. Is it true that only the President and his staff know about these "black sites" are listed in "classified White House, CIA, Justice Department and congressional documents, and are known to only a handful of officials in the United States and, usually, only to the president and a few top intelligence officers in each host country."?

9. Is it true that if classified, nobody will ever be permitted to leave to tell about them, or what truly goes on there, except CIA stooges in order to decoy the public from the truth?

10. Is it true that by detaining suspects in known, legitimate facilities, and permitting visiting rights by family and friends, any agency that was truly interested in obtaining information would, in fact, enormously amplify its capability to draw out more people associated with these suspects for further investigation simply by permitting them to visit them.

11. Is it true that terms like secret, classified connote covert, dark, deceptive, and evil?

12. Is the burden the CIA says it is carrying now because of these dark places, much heavier than the light, or is it because the burden of the truth is now becoming much greater? Is it true that too many people are becoming implicated in a level of darkness equal to that of the Nazis and are becoming squeemish?

13. Is it true that one day this will be exposed and the names of all those involved will be revealed to the public and they will be held as international war criminals and brought into strict accountability for their crimes?

14. Is it true that all free people loathe these kinds of activities and legislate against them?

15. Is it true that the United States Government is still a Constitutional Republic?


Black site

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Black site is a military term that has been used by United States intelligence agencies to refer to any classified facility that is officially denied by the US government. Recently the term has gained notoriety in describing allegedly secret prisons, generally outside of the mainland U.S. territory and legal jurisdiction, and with little or no political or public oversight. It can refer to the facilities that are allegedly controlled by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) used by the U.S. in its "War on Terror" to detain suspected enemy combatants. The claimed purpose is to detain terrorists outside of the Intelligence Oversight Act which authorises Congressional supervision. A claim those black sites existed was made by the Washington Post in October 2005.

A presidential directive allows the agency to capture and hold specific classes of suspects without accounting for them to the public, or revealing the conditions they face in the prisons. Opponents of this practice charge that US officials have ordered (or deliberately overlook) prisoner abuse. The prisons are assumed to be serviced by the N44982, N4476S and N221SG prisoner transport planes, although there is no proof of the allegation. Apart from the hundred CIA detainees, Swiss politician Dick Marty's January 2006 report concluded that another hundred had been kidnapped on European territory and rendered to other countries, some of which use torture.

An investigation on the origins of the leaks has also been opened by the U.S. Justice Department to investigate what may have been illegal release of classified information. On April 21, 2006, Mary O. McCarthy, a longtime CIA analyst, was reportedly fired for leaking classified information to a Washington Post reporter. Some have speculated that the information allegedly leaked may have included information about the camps.[1] McCarthy's lawyer, however, claims that McCarthy "did not have access to the information she is accused of leaking."[1]




Main article: Detainees in CIA custody

The list of those thought to be held by the CIA include suspected al-Qaeda members Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Nurjaman Riduan Isamuddin, Ramzi Binalshibh and Abu Zubaydah. The total number of ghost detainees was presumed to be at least a hundred, although the precise number cannot be determined because less than 10% of them have been charged or convicted. However, Swiss senator Dick Marty's memorandum on "alleged detention in Council of Europe states" stated that about a hundred persons had been kidnapped by the CIA on European territory and subsequently rendered to countries where they may have been tortured. This number of a hundred persons does not overlap, but adds itself to the U.S. detained 100 ghost detainees.[2]

Suspected black sites

In Cuba, the CIA detains alleged "enemy combatants" in Guantánamo Bay, which includes Camp X-Ray (now closed), Camp Delta, Camp Echo and Camp Iguana. A CIA prison was built within the larger Camp Echo at Guantanamo Bay in 2003, and has reportedly held prisoners from Pakistan, West Africa and Yemen.
In Thailand, the Voice of America relay station in Udon Thani was reported to be a black site. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has denied these reports.[3]
Middle East
In Afghanistan, the prison at Bagram Air Base was initially housed in an abandoned brickmaking factory outside Kabul known as the "Salt Pit" [4], but later moved to the base some time after a young Afghani died of hypothermia after being stripped naked and left chained to a floor. During this period, there were several incidents of torture and prisoner abuse, though they were related to non-secret prisoners, and not the CIA-operated portion of the prison. At some point prior to 2005, the prison was again relocated, this time to an unknown site. Metal containers at Bagram Air Base were reported to be black sites.[5] Some Guantanamo detainees report being tortured in a prison they called "the dark prison", also near Kabul.[6] In Iraq, Abu Ghraib was disclosed as also working as a black site, and was the center of an extensive prisoner abuse scandal.[7] Additionally, Camp Bucca (near Umm Qasr) and Camp Cropper (near the Baghdad International Airport) were reported.
An Israeli newspaper reported Al Jafr prison in Jordan as a black site.[8] Black sites have also been reported in Alizai, Kohat, and Peshāwar, Pakistan.
Djibouti [9]
Egypt, Libya, Morocco [10][11]
Indian Ocean
The U.S. Naval Base in Diego Garcia was reported to be a black site, but UK officials have denied these reports.[12]
Several European countries have denied hosting black sites: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Romania, Georgia, Latvia, and Bulgaria. Slovakian ministry spokesman Richard Fides said the country had no black sites, but its intelligence service spokesman Vladimir Simko said he would not disclose any information about possible Slovakian black sites to the media. EU Justice commissioner Franco Frattini makes an unprecedented call for the suspension of voting rights for any member state found to have hosted a CIA black site.
Bulgaria [8]
Ukraine[13] denied hosting any such sites [14].
Macedonia [8]
Although interior minister Vasile Blaga has assured the EU that the Mihail Kogălniceanu Airport was used only as a supply point for equipment, and never for detention, there have been reports to the contrary. A fax intercepted by the Onyx Swiss interception system, from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry to its London embassy stated that 23 prisoners were clandestinely interrogated by the U.S. at the base.[15][16][17]
Mobile sites
  • U.S. warship USS Bataan[18][19][20]- By definition as a U.S. military vessel, this is not technically a "black site" as defined above. However, it has been used by the United States military as a temporary initial interrogation site (after which, prisoners are then transferred to other facilities, possibly including black sites).

Issue development

The Washington Post on December 26, 2002 reported about a secret CIA prison in one corner of Bagram Air Force Base consisting of metal shipping containers.[3] On March 14, 2004, The Guardian reported that three British citizens were held captive in a secret section (Camp Echo) of the Guantánamo Bay complex.[25] Several other articles reported the retention of ghost detainees by the CIA, alongside to the other official "enemy combatants". However, it was the revelations of the Washington Post, in a November 2, 2005 article, that would start the scandal. The newspaper revealed that the U.S. government was detaining more than 100 terrorism suspects in eight secret facilities.[26] According to current and former intelligence officials and diplomats, there is a network of foreign prisons that includes or has ... More

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Power of Love in Action

so they wanted to do it again in chicago
said they had given their lives to allah

may it be clearly understood
there is a huge difference between
giving one's life to allah
and giving one's life to jesus

jesus never asks anyone to kill other people
tell them they are wrong
terrorize them
indoctrinate them
get into their subconscious minds
through contrived conversion experiences
burned anyone down with guilt and shame

all jesus ever asked anyone to do
was believe in him
and love their neighbor
and pray for those who despitfully use you

the power of christ
may be seen as represented by mahatma gandhi
and martin luther king
both said they were motivated
to test his teachings
and results they achieved
may be a testimony to the presence of christ
in their lives
a transcending religion and dogma
and attesting to the power of love in action

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Uranium-Enrichment Myths Busted by Gordon Prather

November 20, 2004
[Notice the Date]

To get your support for the application of the Bush Doctrine to Iraq last year, the neo-crazies claimed to have slam-dunk intelligence that Saddam had secretly reconstituted his uranium-enrichment program and would, therefore, soon have nukes to give to terrorists.

But Mohamed ElBaradei – Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – had told the UN Security Council that "after three months of intrusive inspections, we have to date found no evidence or plausible indication of the revival of a nuclear weapons program in Iraq."

To get your support for the application of the Bush Doctrine to Iran next year, the neo-crazies are now claiming to have slam-dunk intelligence that the mullahs have secretly been enriching uranium for years and, therefore, will soon have nukes to give to terrorists.

Well, Iran will soon have a uranium-enrichment capability.

But IAEA experts have just spent two years developing a comprehensive picture of Iran's nuclear and nuclear-related activities, including all nuclear-related imports. They have found no evidence that Iran has yet enriched uranium. Much less did they find any evidence that Iran has nukes or a nuke development program.

Do the neo-crazies and their media sycophants really believe that having a uranium-enrichment capability is tantamount to having nukes? And if so, where did they ever get such a crazy idea?

Currently, the world's leader in gas-centrifuge development and the world's largest single provider of enriched-uranium is the Urenco Group, a private-sector consortium with plants in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands.

The Urenco Enrichment Company produces and markets enriched uranium for use in the manufacture of fuel for nuclear power plants, while the Enrichment Technology Company develops and deploys gas centrifuges.

The current generation of Urenco centrifuges comprise an ultra-light, thin-walled tube made from specialty metals and composite materials, containing a cylindrical rotor – also made from composite materials – which spins at an incredibly high velocity in a vacuum, on almost frictionless (magnetic) bearings.

In order to obtain the desired enrichment of the U-235 isotope, it is necessary to connect a large number of centrifuges together in series and in parallel. This arrangement of centrifuges is known as a cascade.

Passing through the cascade, U-238 isotopic atoms in the uranium hexafluoride gas are progressively removed, resulting in a gradual "enrichment" of the U-235 isotope.

Nuclear power plant fuel is typically 3 to 5 percent U-235. Weapons-grade HEU is typically 90 percent U-235 or greater.

In first-generation centrifuges, the rotors were made of aluminum and the bearings were not frictionless. Hence they were relatively low-efficiency machines – incapable of operating at high velocities – which translates into many more centrifuges being required in the cascade. Thousands of them.

Last year, the Iranians invited ElBaradei to inspect a gas-centrifuge cascade they were constructing. The facility – once operation begins – will be subject to an IAEA Safeguards Agreement, which would prohibit the production of weapons-grade HEU.

According to the IAEA, the Iranian centrifuges appear to be based upon first-generation Urenco designs.

That figures. A Pakistani metallurgist named A.Q. Kahn stole blueprints for a first generation centrifuge from Urenco in 1975, and by the late 1980s, Khan was publicly offering uranium-enrichment services – in competition to Urenco – using "indigenously" designed and produced gas-centrifuges.

Now, as best the IAEA can determine, Urenco doesn't have nukes, even though there are probably lots of scientists and engineers employed by Urenco who could make a gun-type nuke if you gave them two 75-pound pieces of weapons-grade HEU to bang together.

Khan probably also had similarly capable scientists and engineers.

But, in 1998, Pakistan tested several nukes, each far more sophisticated than the gun-type nuke we dropped on Hiroshima. Even more sophisticated than the implosion-type nuke we dropped on Nagasaki.

You see, the Pakistani nukes were apparently "boosted" with tritium – which is the secret of making them small and lightweight.

So, whether it's Urenco or Pakistan or Iran, having a uranium-enrichment capability is not tantamount to having nukes. It's certainly not tantamount to having nukes that are small enough to be delivered by ballistic missiles.

If the Iranians wanted to design and engineer a missile-deliverable nuke, they'd need the equivalent of Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory.

If the Iranians wanted weapons-grade enriched uranium for their engineered design, they'd have to get it from A.Q. Khan. Unlike Iran's, Khan's uranium-enrichment facilities are not subject to the IAEA-NPT regime.

Meanwhile, some media type ought to visit Urenco and put to rest the neo-crazy idea that having a uranium-enrichment capability is tantamount to having nukes.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Twenty Four Civilians Massacred?

notice how colorful and happy
the media makes death appear in iraq

this is a strategic scrap of vain propaganda
intended to have the general public believe
that the governing powers are meticulously concerned
with human rights issues
and are taking responsibile action

observe and contemplate
the truth concerning this war
and tell me the truth
you be the judge

this is what i found:


the prominent British medical journal
published a study
estimating that over 100,000 Iraqi civilians
had died because of the war
the study determined
that the risk of death
by violence for civilians in Iraq
is now 58 times higher
than before the U.S. invasion

having been a combat soldier in viet nam
my father having been a combat soldier in france
my grandfathers having been combat soldiers in turkey
permit us to say
some standing
and some from the grave
war is torture, massacre and every form of hideousness imaginable
on everyone in whose country
it takes place
it serves only to feed the obsessions
of those who love death and malice
it thrives among generals who were selected
because of their willingness to kill their own indiscriminately
for the sake of their own association
with more and more campaigns and battle
no matter how bloody
no matter what the cost
no matter what the residual effects may be
for generations into the future

i would advise anyone who is concerned
to read the correspondent chris hedges'
works on war
he engaged in over seventeen
he has something valid to say
he tells a clear truth about war
than anything i have read so far