Friday, June 02, 2006

Twenty Four Civilians Massacred?

notice how colorful and happy
the media makes death appear in iraq

this is a strategic scrap of vain propaganda
intended to have the general public believe
that the governing powers are meticulously concerned
with human rights issues
and are taking responsibile action

observe and contemplate
the truth concerning this war
and tell me the truth
you be the judge

this is what i found:


the prominent British medical journal
published a study
estimating that over 100,000 Iraqi civilians
had died because of the war
the study determined
that the risk of death
by violence for civilians in Iraq
is now 58 times higher
than before the U.S. invasion

having been a combat soldier in viet nam
my father having been a combat soldier in france
my grandfathers having been combat soldiers in turkey
permit us to say
some standing
and some from the grave
war is torture, massacre and every form of hideousness imaginable
on everyone in whose country
it takes place
it serves only to feed the obsessions
of those who love death and malice
it thrives among generals who were selected
because of their willingness to kill their own indiscriminately
for the sake of their own association
with more and more campaigns and battle
no matter how bloody
no matter what the cost
no matter what the residual effects may be
for generations into the future

i would advise anyone who is concerned
to read the correspondent chris hedges'
works on war
he engaged in over seventeen
he has something valid to say
he tells a clear truth about war
than anything i have read so far


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