Friday, March 09, 2007

Lemmings in the Ides of March

My response to Lonbud's recent blog entitled: "Fear No Evil"

"On the other hand, one wonders just how much debasement of every principle upon which the country was founded might cause “the people” to assert their power, to throw off the depredations of illegitimate, incompetent rule."

"The People"? Who are the people Lon? I have been hanging out with a wealthy stock broker for the past few months who is teaching me how to invest and get filthy rich like him. This is what I have learned. The people, according to him, are a mass of dumbed down jackasses who have been trained to be loyal ignorant consumers that make him rich with everything they senselessly want, need and buy.

He sees no incompetent rule at all. According to him, America is right where it should be. The founding fathers never made any provisions to free the slaves, and in his eyes, indeed, the slaves still exist, albeit, shod and mobile, but slaves none the less.

He holds thousands of shares of America and feels that his truer vote is better represented in his equities. He really could care less what the people think as long as they keep purchasing consumer nondurables. In fact, he sees the world in terms of those capable of taking on profitable, productive progress. He wants to see earnings per share ... the bottom line. I wanted to buy a stock that showed great potential but showed no earnings per share and he asked ... "Who will buy the stock." I slept on it and returned an answer a few days later. "Fools", I said. He smiled and nodded his head slyly.

You see my friend, this man seems to be part of a contingent of Americans who have invested in America all along, and generated through her enormous wealth. I suppose that was the idea from the very beginning. If you put your money in a bank, he sees you as a fool. Now, these folk are uninterested in giving any of their wealth away, and so they are forced to divert their thinking from anything Democratic and are pleased to embrace the only system which seems to acknowledge the red bloodedness of their patriotic needs; even been passing bills recently to secure themselves and their homelands. Can you blame them? They feel that America was excellent then and now and the economics only proves it. The strong will survive by creating yet another world war to prove it.

It's all quiet simple —these Americans intend to control all the energy resources in the world because it can, must and should, they believe ... and they refuse to be challenged ... and quiver at the thought of all those young studs standing at attention before the great booty of war. The masses according to them are simply lemmings awaiting their own slaughter. They certainly believe in ecology, and feel terrible about waste on any level. They tell me that the biggest cause of waste, pollution, and scarcity is people and they intend to address that shortly through the question of Iran ... might even throw in a few more hotbeds just to handle matters efficiently all at once. Oh, I see the treacherous cliff approaching. Indeed, I do feel somewhat anxious. Beware the Ides of March.


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