Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Saudis — Set Up for the Kill

Dear Lon,

Saudi Arabia is wise enough to know that they are being set up for the kill. It's too bad, it might have been better had they been ignorant. But, they have no choice because the United States' diplomacy and shrewdness outclasses them. We are unashamed of our black pupils and, in truth, stand fully able to make them plainly visible, during any discussion.

By pitting the military strength of Israel against the Saudis, some say that the US can control the Middle East quite effectively. It has long been the thinking of many: "Why should our troops have to get killed , when their troops can get killed?" With this philosophy and the aforementioned strategy both Israel and Saudi Arabia become more and more beholden to the Únited States of America. This is an ancient strategy that most well educated people know (knew) about, especially the Merchant Bankers of old; both sides are forced to escalate ... must, in order to remain the stronger, and must keep current. US industries like Ceradine and GE jump for joy, and their investors dance all the way to the bank for years to come, according to certain Wall Street projections. Beginning at fifty bil, it is predictably certain that there'ain' no end to how high the ante can go either. Year after year, maintaining the new sophisticated arsenal will require expensive periodic updates as obsolete technology must, unfortunately, make way for the on-schedule appearance of new improved guidance systems, along with the rest of the entertaining fireworks newly designed to amaze and stun the enemy. The military industrial infrastructure of the US will be burdened with the responsibly to provide for all these intricate changes improving its R&D while generating sexy, hot new machines for war and killing folk effectively. Plus, the US gets to rule the roost where it's too hot, too hard, and too moral for anyone with an uncircumcised penis to really enjoy himself. And, that's why some folks think they brought females inside the tanks these days, sorta provides for interesting options when there is nothing else to exploit. But, that's what the voices are saying ... and, talk is cheap.

Now, as far as my own opinion goes, I will say simply this: in the words of Hamlet, "This is not, nor can it come to good. But, break my heart, for I must hold my tongue." —Wildfeather


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