Saturday, October 04, 2008

Bail Out Tyrrant In

here's my unqualified take of the world from my vantage point .

.. power has been removed from the low mentality of the masses ... the common people are being rapidly reduced to poverty and slavery ... the experiment is now finished ... and as a result whatever freedoms have been acquired by the wise and diligent will be maintained, while the rest who have chosen to live in ignorance and waste will find themselves sorely compromised in health and happiness as always ... while blaming those who are more worthy of their successes and hating them and their possessions.

Take a good look at Paulson in my latest Absolute Rubbish post ... he's the new Czar and will probably be ruling with an iron hand ... The Constitution in defunct, the oligarch is in power and the sheeple are non the wiser.

What side of the equation are you on?-


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