Saturday, January 03, 2009

Christ Gandhi King - A Word for Hamas

As a legitimate sovereign authority, Israel must eliminate the source of the terrorism coming out of Gaza through the Hamas government. Continued violence against Israel on the part of the Palestinians in Gaza is ineffective when fought on a temporal plane. They will simply be decimated. It is imperative for the political health of both the Palestinians and the Israelis that one side utterly refuse to use violence in retaliation or a means of self defense. Yes, they must be passive. When a man surprises a grizzly bear in the wilderness he must immediately lie down, roll up into a ball, cover his neck and stomach and be passive. The best solution is as Gandhi or Martin Luther King have proven to the world. As the weaker Hamas must configure its movement on a strictly peaceful level and fully abandon the use of violence. As a result, Israel will have no choice but to compromise with the Palestinians toward a lasting and sustainable peace agreement.


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