Friday, January 09, 2009

Shot in the Back in Oakland

I see premeditated murder in the first degree! A trained officer while under no threat to his person and clearly out of harm's way, from a tranquil and calm stance took aim and discharged a projectile into the body of a young man face to the ground while he was being cuffed by other officers. The officer made a cowardly decision to shoot an unarmed man in the back while the victim was completely unaware and incapable of defending himself never suspecting that he had but seconds to live in the sight of all.I witnessed similar murders of this nature in Viet Nam. My soul grieves to this day.

This was an unauthorized public execution which damages the peaceful feelings of the people and enrages us.
The unsuspecting victim trusted in his system of justice. We the People of this Nation as well as his family will suffer emotional weight of this wicked act for generations.

Unless there is immediate and due justice We the People will carry suspicion toward our government and police and will harbor profoundly ill feelings because this unfortunate person was cut off from his life by a peace officer without being given an opportunity to make amends to his God or his neighbor. It would be unquestionably just to assign "evil intent" to this act if committed by thugs, more so on the part of uniformed officers of the peace acting under the august authority of the state or county.

We the People demand a swift and just verdict for this wicked crime. It must never be repeated. We must never permit ourselves to respect, tolerate, excuse, accept or fear brutality. This is the advent of Communism and Nazism on American soil. Martin Luther King's response to brutality was peaceful and non violent and based upon the teachings of Christ. Obama is president today because of it. Embrace decisive tranquility.


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