Saturday, August 21, 2010
Monday, August 09, 2010
To: Mrs. Don-o @ Free Republic
33 posted on Monday August 09, 07:16:37 GMT-0400 2010 by JTWildfeather (Russia, China, Military, Arms, Race, Oil)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Why Violence Is On The Rise ?

"Violence in Afghanistan is on the rise" the same way violence was on the rise against the Romans when they occupied Jerusalem during the time of Christ.
The question of violence in Afghanistan and other areas in the world today occupied by the United States military is understandable and simple. Divide and conquer. Our presence is based on economic factors which the United States will strategically control with force if necessary. The occupied nations hate this. Foreigners speak some other language and bring cruel weapons of destruction changing the face of their land and abusing the feelings of the people. They leave deep wounds and scars unsettling a once open people who were hospitable and causing them to become frightened and closed. But this is the nature of the perverse wealth that stand beneath these actions. Whose economy is this that we secure? If this is the economy of the American people then it is built on a base of blood and the horrors of war. But, I think that this is the economy of only certain people who stand to benefit through investment and financial market exploits. Indeed, the average American wishes no harm to anyone. But, we support these impositions would gladly enslave other nations because we believe that this is necessary for the liberation and freedom of backward people, when in fact we ourselves are frontward in our bondage to self indulgence and beneath them in slavery to our own wicked vices.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Small People
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Universal Health Care
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A Fundamental Ingredient for Bullshoot!
How utterly ridiculous the implication that because the parts were here life evolved. I just finished a mosaic. Did the design evolve or happen spontaneously over millions of years? Did the pieces cut and fit themselves into the design randomly? Did the grout find it's way into the pieces being finished to a soft pristine appearance? It is unthinkable that a Stradivarius could have been whipped up without an artist, a planner, a designer; a maker. Those who believe such nonsense are likewise unthinkable. God is love. Love is the source of life. Life is the source of truth. The three together are God. Separate any one of these elements and there is idolatry.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
No. Korea No Joke!
The most recent news which states that North Korea will deliver a calamity of the most unimaginable nature to the US if provoked. Just prior, Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, was ridiculed and mocked in a most humiliating fashion. What rouses me from my slumber here is that the last two provocations came from North Korea with a kind of momentum which indicates a challenge that may be based on some undisclosed advantage. In the game of chess the moves when the moves of one player occur consecutively stronger, it typically signals the end game. It takes a great deal of effort and strategy to counter act an opponent at this stage. The use of force at this stage usually fails on account of being in the weaker position as pieces are exchanged.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Shot in the Back in Oakland
This was an unauthorized public execution which damages the peaceful feelings of the people and enrages us. The unsuspecting victim trusted in his system of justice. We the People of this Nation as well as his family will suffer emotional weight of this wicked act for generations.
Unless there is immediate and due justice We the People will carry suspicion toward our government and police and will harbor profoundly ill feelings because this unfortunate person was cut off from his life by a peace officer without being given an opportunity to make amends to his God or his neighbor. It would be unquestionably just to assign "evil intent" to this act if committed by thugs, more so on the part of uniformed officers of the peace acting under the august authority of the state or county.
We the People demand a swift and just verdict for this wicked crime. It must never be repeated. We must never permit ourselves to respect, tolerate, excuse, accept or fear brutality. This is the advent of Communism and Nazism on American soil. Martin Luther King's response to brutality was peaceful and non violent and based upon the teachings of Christ. Obama is president today because of it. Embrace decisive tranquility.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Christ Gandhi King - A Word for Hamas

As a legitimate sovereign authority, Israel must eliminate the source of the terrorism coming out of Gaza through the Hamas government. Continued violence against Israel on the part of the Palestinians in Gaza is ineffective when fought on a temporal plane. They will simply be decimated. It is imperative for the political health of both the Palestinians and the Israelis that one side utterly refuse to use violence in retaliation or a means of self defense. Yes, they must be passive. When a man surprises a grizzly bear in the wilderness he must immediately lie down, roll up into a ball, cover his neck and stomach and be passive. The best solution is as Gandhi or Martin Luther King have proven to the world. As the weaker Hamas must configure its movement on a strictly peaceful level and fully abandon the use of violence. As a result, Israel will have no choice but to compromise with the Palestinians toward a lasting and sustainable peace agreement.
Friday, December 26, 2008
CIA Taliban Viagra Apollo

The Taliban "knows how to nasty" in the hills of Kabul and in caves and where they roost singing songs of romance in their Talibanish sort of way. Cool music ... good beat ... explosions and macho macho men posing to be warriors ... they had it all in their culture but especially now that the blue V for victory has been firmly deposited between their hairy testosterone Bin Laden legs. They're a hardy bunch ... soft hats shrouding them from the sun. Knock 'em dead, we say, as a tiny little Agra focuses its passionate blue flame and makes them rather receive the CIA in new and noble ways, unlike when Binbad made promises of ethereal virgins in some limp harem afterlife. They once revel ed in what felt natural and what went boom. Soon these same sheep boys will hurl their rockets between the nether cheeks of anything their side of the Tobolsk mountains, poking their flowers into each other's muskets and pouring out their libations to Apollo.

Friday, November 21, 2008
US Global Dominance 'Set to Wane'
![]() The US will face more competition at the top of a multi-polar global system |
Notice the word "Set" in the BBC title:
Page last updated at 11:38 GMT, Friday, 21 November 2008
US economic, military and political dominance is likely to decline over the next two decades, according to a new US intelligence report on global trends.
The National Intelligence Council (NIC) predicts China, India and Russia will increasingly challenge US influence.
It also says the dollar may no longer be the world's major currency, and food and water shortages will fuel conflict. Read more
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
China Abortion and Morality
Government ordered abortion is mass murder. Guild, shame and severe emotional problems follow which support the idea that abortion is a seriously criminal act, when ratified and commanded by government it has diabolical effects upon a nation. Ancient cultures face over population and starvation because they choose to embrace the hate principle and avoid the love principle receive in their own communities the just fruits of wickedness. This is a global phenomenon in my view.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Obama Has Arrived

SURPRISE !!! ... I'm here ...
The following are an interesting comment to ABC's July 28 article i "Political Punch" on Obama's family history:
"If you never leave a paper trail, there is nothing to follow.
If you never make a decision, you can deny responsibilty.
If you speak in circles or philosophize, people will hear what they want to hear.
If you let others speak for you, you can always say, I didn't say that.
If you never make a commitment, you don't have to keep your word.
If you leave no footprints, no one can see where you've been.
If you never go into battle, you will never be tested.
Obama has never made a commitment, always lets others speak for him, and has never been tested.
With his silver tongue and charisma, he has charmed others into carrying him where he wants to go."Obama wants the title of President, not the responsibility. I question whether he has the courage, inner strength, or the will to take a stand on the overwhelming challenges we face as a nation.
Posted by: REPUBLICAN RON | Aug 22, 2008 10:23:21 PM
Monday, November 03, 2008
Dynamic Early Voting Effects on Public

The idea of voting as far back as the Greeks has always preserved the sense of fairness and justice. In the same manner that the courts enforce strict rules in and around the court proceedings to safeguard how the jury may be influenced, so should a fair election be monitored to preserve the public good by preserving the justice and integrity of the voting process. Therefore, in my opinion, if early voting by proxy vote should take place for the convenience of the public, then this information should only be revealed on election day. The following article by Mary Pat Daviet, a former government attorney, examines the possible effects that early voting may have on the public.
Early Voting Contradicts Constitution
by Mary Pat Daviet, former government attorney
The Tribune
Mary Pat Daviet is a former government attorney, and is currently "retired" as a stay-at-home mom. She received a bachelor of arts in history from the University of Florida in 1981, and a law degree from the University of Denver in 1987.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
The Philosophy of Bailout
Jeffrey A. Miron is was one of the 166 economists who wrote Congress last week telling them how bad of an idea this “bailout” is.
"The current mess would never have occurred in the absence of ill-conceived federal policies. The federal government chartered Fannie Mae in 1938 and Freddie Mac in 1970; these two mortgage lending institutions are at the center of the crisis. The government implicitly promised these institutions that it would make good on their debts, so Fannie and Freddie took on huge amounts of excessive risk.
The obvious alternative to a bailout is letting troubled financial institutions declare bankruptcy. Bankruptcy means that shareholders typically get wiped out and the creditors own the company.
Bankruptcy does not mean the company disappears; it is just owned by someone new (as has occurred with several airlines). Bankruptcy punishes those who took excessive risks while preserving those aspects of a businesses that remain profitable.
In contrast, a bailout transfers enormous wealth from taxpayers to those who knowingly engaged in risky subprime lending. Thus, the bailout encourages companies to take large, imprudent risks and count on getting bailed out by government. This “moral hazard” generates enormous distortions in an economy’s allocation of its financial resources.
Thoughtful advocates of the bailout might concede this perspective, but they argue that a bailout is necessary to prevent economic collapse. According to this view, lenders are not making loans, even for worthy projects, because they cannot get capital. This view has a grain of truth; if the bailout does not occur, more bankruptcies are possible and credit conditions may worsen for a time.
Talk of Armageddon, however, is ridiculous scare-mongering. If financial institutions cannot make productive loans, a profit opportunity exists for someone else. This might not happen instantly, but it will happen."
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Bail Out Tyrrant In
.. power has been removed from the low mentality of the masses ... the common people are being rapidly reduced to poverty and slavery ... the experiment is now finished ... and as a result whatever freedoms have been acquired by the wise and diligent will be maintained, while the rest who have chosen to live in ignorance and waste will find themselves sorely compromised in health and happiness as always ... while blaming those who are more worthy of their successes and hating them and their possessions.
Take a good look at Paulson in my latest Absolute Rubbish post ... he's the new Czar and will probably be ruling with an iron hand ... The Constitution in defunct, the oligarch is in power and the sheeple are non the wiser.
What side of the equation are you on?-
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Cheney Hersh and Bogus PT Boats
The following is a response to an article in Free Republic on the recent Hersh exposé of Cheney's meetings to developo a pretense for invading Iran.
My inside sources say that Hersh’s exposé will provoke a savage scalping within the administration of the United States at this critical time. Exactly who was Hersh’s source who leaked this information? Seeds of disloyalty effectively planted, Cheney’s people will now demand answers as grave mistrust invades each frightened suspicious soul. They will shift their interpersonal war dance to a distance wiggling and slithering themselves away from one another. Odorous internal intrigues naturally follow insult and dishonor. Thus, the public interest and the national security is enfeebled again as self interest and job trauma take precedence. This common tactic exists on all levels of high school and high politics. It is as demonic and subtle as Mr. Hersh sitting cross-legged in front of a closed basket wearing a turban and playing a flute. Exposés on this level are insidiously destructive resulting in Three Stooge stumblings from grace and a frenetic roach race away from the light toward the outer darkness —a colorful set to behold. The greedy lust for treachery (among certain writers) derives its greatest rush from betraying chiefs; even whole nations. Some say that Hersh’s My Lai Massacre exposé served as a decoy which prevented the sheeple from seeing what was actually beneath the psychology, bureaucracy, and technology of genocide. The cinch around Mr. Cheney’s political snout has just become tighter. [cf.: “The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide” Robert Jay Lifton, New York: Basic Books Inc.]
Cheney Hersh and Bogus PT Boats
My inside sources say that Hersh’s exposé will provoke a savage scalping within the administration of the United States at this critical time. Exactly who was Hersh’s source who leaked this information? Seeds of disloyalty effectively planted, Cheney’s people will now demand answers as grave mistrust invades each frightened suspicious soul. They will shift their interpersonal war dance to a distance wiggling and slithering themselves away from one another. Odorous internal intrigues naturally follow insult and dishonor. Thus, the public interest and the national security is enfeebled again as self interest and job trauma take precedence. This common tactic exists on all levels of high school and high politics. It is as demonic and subtle as Mr. Hersh sitting cross-legged in front of a closed basket wearing a turban and playing a flute. Exposés on this level are insidiously destructive resulting in Three Stooge stumblings from grace and a frenetic roach race away from the light toward the outer darkness —a colorful set to behold. The greedy lust for treachery (among certain writers) derives its greatest rush from betraying chiefs; even whole nations. Some say that Hersh’s My Lai Massacre exposé served as a decoy which prevented the sheeple from seeing what was actually beneath the psychology, bureaucracy, and technology of genocide. The cinch around Mr. Cheney’s political snout has just become tighter. [cf.: “The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide” Robert Jay Lifton, New York: Basic Books Inc.]
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
After 7 Years, Talks on Trade Collapse

[Vandana Shiva's work is finally paying off. She believes that it is vital that the WTO rules, especially for agriculture in the third world and southern disticts must change. She says that it is a matter of survival. ]
GENEVA — World trade talks collapsed here on Tuesday after seven years of on-again, off-again negotiations, in the latest sign of India’s and China’s growing might on the world stage and the decreasing ability of the United States to impose its will globally. ...more
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Russian Chinese Rearmament?
"... if it be of any comfort, both China and Russia now have fluctuating stock exchanges. Their economy are becoming more and more capitalistic and free-market driven. Putin will have to learn to watch every word he mutters; one phrase threw his market off significantly last week (RTS Index fell by 5.58%, MICEX - at 5.49%.). Both countries are playing by a new set of rules called "private property laws". Cool... huh! The people begin to dictate. History shows that common people who die in wars are uninterested in unnecessary dying, especially the Russians. Military spending, however, means opportunities for big business, lots of infrastructure, loans, jobs, and on and on. According to Greenspan open free markets balance, level and fatten up societies across the board. These nations need the US (always have), to teach them how to keep books, stay accountable, keep a handle on corruption, and maybe ... become profitable. Over taxing their people now will wreck their economy. They must first learn how to establish a significant and stable tax base. That could take many years. These governments are unable to have their economic cake and eat it too. Nobody is making any money yet. Between you and me, friend, ... probably never will. Whatever they make comes right back to the US. These nations are beholden to us because we are a wise and rational nation, know what we are doing, and have few ridiculous traditions we let get in the way of acting decisively. Their military build up is funded by Wall Street and their technology is borrowed. US interests invariably receive most of the profits from their oil. Take a good look at companies like National Oil Varco, NOV., without which there would be no sustainable drilling. Studying these country's development will be quite interesting over the next few years. Enjoy!"
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Woman Goes from Trash Scavenger to Princess in India

"Dr. Pathak happens to be from India's highest caste. His interest in helping Dalits began at an early age.
"While I was a child at 13 years old, I touched an untouchable. For that my grandmother forced me to swallow cow dung, cow urine and Ganges water to purify myself," Pathak said.
He was dismayed at the experience and for the past 40 years has made it his mission to elevate the downtrodden. So far, his organization says it's helped more than 60,000 "untouchables" and installed more than a million of its eco-friendly, humane toilets in India alone." ... read on.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I Love America

i believe in America more now than ever before.
Because America loves it's neighbors
loves foreigners
and is willing to accept all people
regardless of race, color, creed, gender or social cast
and these are the very reasons we are hated
we share no prejudices, hatreds,
or willingness to overlook or sustain injustice
some say that it is through corporate greed that we embrace others
i say that our generosity is greater than our greed
and that profit and abundance are good things
that we seek to share with all people
rather than and elite few
Friday, July 11, 2008
Fannie and Freddie: All in the Family
1)Where did the people's down payment capital plus all the equity which has accrued go? That money represents real savings. Were does the people's savings continue to exist in the bank which issued the mortgage or in Fannie and Freddie?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Is Greenspan Working To Destroy US Economy? No!
Puppets of the elite posing as saviors once again Editorial
Tuesday, Sept 18, 2007

Over the past few days Alan Greenspan has appeared in every major financial publication to explain exactly what is going to happen to the economy and what the next steps should be, while also deriding the Neocon administration for the current downturn. For this he has been lauded as some form of economic savior, yet a cursory examination of the facts reveals that the economic decline has long been in the pipeline and Greenspan and his ilk operate under the influence of those who continue to engineer the slow meltdown.
Alan Greenspan and Paul Volker, both former Federal Reserve Chairmen, along with current chairman Ben Bernanke, the Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Alistair Darling, Exchequer of the Treasury in England have been out in unison since last Friday announcing over and over that the economy is going to implode, there is going to be serious inflation, housing is going to go down between ten and thirty percent, and the Dollar is going to be replaced with the Euro. ... more
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Iran Hangs Murderer
The Australian recently stated:
"Capital offences in Iran include murder, rape, armed robbery, serious drug trafficking and adultery.Many executions were held in public last year, but judiciary chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi ordered in January that there should be no more public executions without his approval."
Murder, rape, armed robbery, serious drug trafficking and adultery have been considered capital offenses for millenia. The reason that these crimes have increased to unbelievably high proportions in the United States is because those who profit from the prison industry would have us believe that the system of justice in this country is the kindest and the wisest in the world. Indeed it is if you are heavily invested in the system. But, if you are one of the commoners you will suffer with high crime.
Saturday, March 15, 2008

5 feet 5 inches, and 105 Pounds ... "Client 9 was pleased"
"At a time when high level Ceo's and Politicians pay thousands of dollars merely for luncheons with clients, Ashley Alexander Dupre Youmans, in my view, represents his business level, his caliber and possibly someone worth knowing who can easily manipulate others with pleasures, favors and paid amenities way beyond eighteen holes. She is capable of obtaining valuable information, resources and control. I suspect that in effect Dupré would be working for Elliot Stitzer, his friends and their private interests. She could have been a CIA mole, just as in the movies ... who really knows? Both profiles qualify them for living in a world where power exchange through sex is a common part of business as usual. The real hypocrisy is in the gift to friends which is actually no gift at all but a potentially lethal encounter which may result in the sort of exposure and foul press Spitzer is experiencing. True the statement that those who set a snare for the unsuspecting bird may fall into it himself. -Wildfeather
Ashley Alexander Dupre 's (Youmans) profile follows:
"I am all about my music, and my music is all about me… It flows from what I’ve been through, what I’ve seen and how I feel. I live in New York and am on top of the world. Been here since 2004 and I love this city, I love my life here.
But, my path has not been easy. When I was 17, I left home. It was my decision and I’ve never looked back. Left my hometown. Left a broken family. Left abuse. Left an older brother who had already split. Left and learned what it was like to have everything, and lose it, again and again. Learned what it was like to wake up one day and have the people you care about most gone. I have been alone.I have abused drugs. I have been broke and homeless. But, I survived, on my own. I am here, in NY because of my music. It started when I moved in with a musician during my odyssey to New York. One day, I was in the shower singing “respect.” He and his lead guitarist burst in, had me repeat it and it started. We wrote, rehearsed and toured. After recording a bit with them, I decided to move to Manhattan to pursue my music career. I spent the first two years getting to know the music scene, networking in clubs and connecting with the industry. Now, it’s all about my music. It’s all about expressing me. I can sit here now, and knowingly tell you that life’s hard sometimes. But, I made it. I’m still here and I love who I am. If I never went through the hard times, I would not be able to appreciate the good ones. Cliché, yes, but I know it’s true. I have experienced just how hard it can be. I can honestly tell you to never dwell on the past, but build from it and keep moving forward. Don’t let anyone hold you back or tell you that you can’t…because you can. I didn’t and here I am, just listen to it…. What we Want is my latest track. It’s really about trust, something my past has made very difficult for me to feel. This one was inspired by a guy, who taught me not to confuse my dreams with the sounds of the city…I hope you like it. I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!"
Monday, February 11, 2008
On Killing the Innocent

"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States will seek the death penalty against six Guantanamo Bay detainees who are suspects in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, an Air Force general said Monday."
"Military prosecutors will seek the death penalty for the six Guantánamo detainees on charges including conspiracy and murder “in violation of the law of war,” attacking civilians and civilian targets, terrorism and support of terrorism, Brig. Gen. Thomas Hartmann of the Air Force, legal adviser to the Defense Department’s Office of Military Commissions, said at a Pentagon news briefing."
God who is the foundation of justice has historically brought HIs judgement and penalties against those nations or peoples who over some craftily devised pretense have committed unspeakable acts of aggression against innocent children and fatherless, aged, infirm,or inspiring in their land a state of civil war, abuse, hatred, violence and perpetual misery in order to protect and the national security and the riches of a few. War is lucrative. These families have already earned hundreds of billions on the War in Iraq.
For further reading:
9/20/01For more on who profits on the Iraq War:
Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People
The President lays out new policy to go to war against global terrorism. He describes the al Queda and the Talilban but never mentions how the CIA developed them in Afghanistan with billions of dollars for the purpose of crippling the Russians. For background on the history of the al Queda and the US involvement see: Who Is Osama Bin Laden? by Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Wall Street Set to Plunge
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Tea in Riyad

Give our regards to Riyadh
Jerusalem Post ^ | 1-9-08 | CALEV BEN-DAVID
Posted on 01/10/2008 6:02:50 AM PST by SJackson
When George W. Bush is done paying his respects to the memory of the six million at Yad Vashem and walking in the watery footsteps of Jesus at Capernaum, the US president can look forward to a far different experience when he touches down in Saudi Arabia next week.
There, according to the official White House press guide for this Middle East tour, the president will enjoy a tea service with Saudi King Abdullah in Riyadh's Nasiriya Guest Palace, which is "lavishly decorated in traditional Western European style, with Baroque furniture and numerous crystal chandeliers from the Czech Republic and Austria"; have dinner in the king's Riyadh Palace, with its "marble floors and walls containing sheets of gold, colored with precious stones and embedded jewels"; and enjoy a visit to Abdullah's Al-Janadriyah weekend farm retreat, which boasts "150 Arabian thoroughbreds" and an enormous tent-like structure with "tent-poles made of ebony and ivory with precious stones enclosed" and a "dining room that also includes an 80-inch flat-screen television the king often watches while eating."
Courtesy demands that a guest being welcomed in such posh settings should bring a suitably generous present for his hosts.
In Bush's case, this consists of a $20 billion arms package that includes the JDAMS (Joint Direct Attack Munitions) laser-guided "smart bombs" that Jerusalem would prefer the Saudis did not receive, even if it is reluctant to challenge the White House directly on this issue. ( ...continue)
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Iran Needs the Bomb!

Iran has the largest active and available army in the world and virtually nothing else. Yet it ranks 16th in the world militarily according to to Global Fire Power dot com.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Inflation Pressures

The Federal Open Market Committee decided today:
“A sustained moderation in inflation pressures has yet to be convincingly demonstrated.”
Let's analyze this:
“A sustained moderation (rhetorical bullshit) in inflation pressures —has yet to be convincingly demonstrated— (rhetorical bullshit),”
All of Bernake's buddies get only one thing from that innocently cryptic message: inflation pressures. They will begin selling off their stock holdings (sell high), buying up T-bills, and safe bonds, land, gold, art and anything else to hedge against the continuing crisis while making ready to gobble up cheap deals once the market has plummeted low enough to once again "buy low.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The Saudis — Set Up for the Kill
Saudi Arabia is wise enough to know that they are being set up for the kill. It's too bad, it might have been better had they been ignorant. But, they have no choice because the United States' diplomacy and shrewdness outclasses them. We are unashamed of our black pupils and, in truth, stand fully able to make them plainly visible, during any discussion.
By pitting the military strength of Israel against the Saudis, some say that the US can control the Middle East quite effectively. It has long been the thinking of many: "Why should our troops have to get killed , when their troops can get killed?" With this philosophy and the aforementioned strategy both Israel and Saudi Arabia become more and more beholden to the Únited States of America. This is an ancient strategy that most well educated people know (knew) about, especially the Merchant Bankers of old; both sides are forced to escalate ... must, in order to remain the stronger, and must keep current. US industries like Ceradine and GE jump for joy, and their investors dance all the way to the bank for years to come, according to certain Wall Street projections. Beginning at fifty bil, it is predictably certain that there'ain' no end to how high the ante can go either. Year after year, maintaining the new sophisticated arsenal will require expensive periodic updates as obsolete technology must, unfortunately, make way for the on-schedule appearance of new improved guidance systems, along with the rest of the entertaining fireworks newly designed to amaze and stun the enemy. The military industrial infrastructure of the US will be burdened with the responsibly to provide for all these intricate changes improving its R&D while generating sexy, hot new machines for war and killing folk effectively. Plus, the US gets to rule the roost where it's too hot, too hard, and too moral for anyone with an uncircumcised penis to really enjoy himself. And, that's why some folks think they brought females inside the tanks these days, sorta provides for interesting options when there is nothing else to exploit. But, that's what the voices are saying ... and, talk is cheap.
Now, as far as my own opinion goes, I will say simply this: in the words of Hamlet, "This is not, nor can it come to good. But, break my heart, for I must hold my tongue." —Wildfeather
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Saudis Hijackers Terrorists and Bombs

The 9/11 terrorists were mostly Saudi. Suicide bombers in Iraq are Saudi. And Now we are working a twenty billion dollar deal to give them the latest sophisticated weaponry and bombs.
I feel troubled.This move is treachery ... is treason ... is irresponsible ... is a threat to Israel ... makes fools of the American people
blood is thicker than water
the Iraqis have much more in common
with the Saudis than we do
unless of course
you count in greed
Saturday, July 21, 2007
On Executive Authority
It is the view of many that strong executive authority is what is needed to secure the wealth of those worthy of their wealth and shackle all the rest in order to keep the ball rolling smoothly without interruption. In fact, the wealthy feel they have no choice but must proceed decisively in order to secure their interests in business, finance and universal peace. To achieve this goal, international concerns have shifted to Eurasia and the Middle East as areas requiring US control and government. This task poses certain difficulties, many of them arising from internal conflicts and dissension. It appears that shifts will be needed in order to properly harness the American engine and carry forth the plan for global hegemony needed to meet certain objectives in the short term as well as in the distant future. The following may represent things to come as this process continues to unfold itself.
In 1962 Harper and Row published a high school text book called "Meet Soviet Russia" by John Gunther. Such kinds of books were designed to instruct us against the perils of Communism and the Soviet union. On page 236, however, I find a striking similarity between them then and us now:"The main characteristic of the Soviet government, distinguishing it from all free governments, is the extreme emphasis on secrecy. We should also mention again such factors as conformity, closedness, and the stress on executive authority. The legislative and judiciary elements don't count at all."
Consider the following:
National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive
Subject: National Continuity Policy
(1) This directive establishes a comprehensive national policy on the continuity of Federal Government structures and operations and a single National Continuity Coordinator responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of Federal continuity policies. This policy establishes "National Essential Functions," prescribes continuity requirements for all executive departments and agencies, and provides guidance for State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, and private sector organizations in order to ensure a comprehensive and integrated national continuity program that will enhance the credibility of our national security posture and enable a more rapid and effective response to and recovery from a national emergency.
(2) In this directive:
(a) "Category" refers to the categories of executive departments and agencies listed in Annex A to this directive;
(b) "Catastrophic Emergency" means any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions;
(c) "Continuity of Government," or "COG," means a coordinated effort within the Federal Government's executive branch to ensure that National Essential Functions continue to be performed during a Catastrophic Emergency;
(d) "Continuity of Operations," or "COOP," means an effort within individual executive departments and agencies to ensure that Primary Mission-Essential Functions continue to be performed during a wide range of emergencies, including localized acts of nature, accidents, and technological or attack-related emergencies;
(e) "Enduring Constitutional Government," or "ECG," means a cooperative effort among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Federal Government, coordinated by the President, as a matter of comity with respect to the legislative and judicial branches and with proper respect for the constitutional separation of powers among the branches, to preserve the constitutional framework under which the Nation is governed and the capability of all three branches of government to execute constitutional responsibilities and provide for orderly succession, appropriate transition of leadership, and interoperability and support of the National Essential Functions during a catastrophic emergency;
(f) "Executive Departments and Agencies" means the executive departments enumerated in 5 U.S.C. 101, independent establishments as defined by 5 U.S.C. 104(1), Government corporations as defined by 5 U.S.C. 103(1), and the United States Postal Service;
(g) "Government Functions" means the collective functions of the heads of executive departments and agencies as defined by statute, regulation, presidential direction, or other legal authority, and the functions of the legislative and judicial branches;
(h) "National Essential Functions," or "NEFs," means that subset of Government Functions that are necessary to lead and sustain the Nation during a catastrophic emergency and that, therefore, must be supported through COOP and COG capabilities; and
(i) "Primary Mission Essential Functions," or "PMEFs," means those Government Functions that must be performed in order to support or implement the performance of NEFs before, during, and in the aftermath of an emergency.
(3) It is the policy of the United States to maintain a comprehensive and effective continuity capability composed of Continuity of Operations and Continuity of Government programs in order to ensure the preservation of our form of government under the Constitution and the continuing performance of National Essential Functions under all conditions.
Implementation Actions
(4) Continuity requirements shall be incorporated into daily operations of all executive departments and agencies. As a result of the asymmetric threat environment, adequate warning of potential emergencies that could pose a significant risk to the homeland might not be available, and therefore all continuity planning shall be based on the assumption that no such warning will be received. Emphasis will be placed upon geographic dispersion of leadership, staff, and infrastructure in order to increase survivability and maintain uninterrupted Government Functions. Risk management principles shall be applied to ensure that appropriate operational readiness decisions are based on the probability of an attack or other incident and its consequences.
(5) The following NEFs are the foundation for all continuity programs and capabilities and represent the overarching responsibilities of the Federal Government to lead and sustain the Nation during a crisis, and therefore sustaining the following NEFs shall be the primary focus of the Federal Government leadership during and in the aftermath of an emergency that adversely affects the performance of Government Functions:
(a) Ensuring the continued functioning of our form of government under the Constitution, including the functioning of the three separate branches of government;
(b) Providing leadership visible to the Nation and the world and maintaining the trust and confidence of the American people;
(c) Defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and preventing or interdicting attacks against the United States or its people, property, or interests;
(d) Maintaining and fostering effective relationships with foreign nations;
(e) Protecting against threats to the homeland and bringing to justice perpetrators of crimes or attacks against the United States or its people, property, or interests;
(f) Providing rapid and effective response to and recovery from the domestic consequences of an attack or other incident;
(g) Protecting and stabilizing the Nation's economy and ensuring public confidence in its financial systems; and
(h) Providing for critical Federal Government services that address the national health, safety, and welfare needs of the United States.
(6) The President shall lead the activities of the Federal Government for ensuring constitutional government. In order to advise and assist the President in that function, the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism (APHS/CT) is hereby designated as the National Continuity Coordinator. The National Continuity Coordinator, in coordination with the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (APNSA), without exercising directive authority, shall coordinate the development and implementation of continuity policy for executive departments and agencies. The Continuity Policy Coordination Committee (CPCC), chaired by a Senior Director from the Homeland Security Council staff, designated by the National Continuity Coordinator, shall be the main day-to-day forum for such policy coordination.
(7) For continuity purposes, each executive department and agency is assigned to a category in accordance with the nature and characteristics of its national security roles and responsibilities in support of the Federal Government's ability to sustain the NEFs. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall serve as the President's lead agent for coordinating overall continuity operations and activities of executive departments and agencies, and in such role shall perform the responsibilities set forth for the Secretary in sections 10 and 16 of this directive.
(8) The National Continuity Coordinator, in consultation with the heads of appropriate executive departments and agencies, will lead the development of a National Continuity Implementation Plan (Plan), which shall include prioritized goals and objectives, a concept of operations, performance metrics by which to measure continuity readiness, procedures for continuity and incident management activities, and clear direction to executive department and agency continuity coordinators, as well as guidance to promote interoperability of Federal Government continuity programs and procedures with State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, and private sector owners and operators of critical infrastructure, as appropriate. The Plan shall be submitted to the President for approval not later than 90 days after the date of this directive.
(9) Recognizing that each branch of the Federal Government is responsible for its own continuity programs, an official designated by the Chief of Staff to the President shall ensure that the executive branch's COOP and COG policies in support of ECG efforts are appropriately coordinated with those of the legislative and judicial branches in order to ensure interoperability and allocate national assets efficiently to maintain a functioning Federal Government.
(10) Federal Government COOP, COG, and ECG plans and operations shall be appropriately integrated with the emergency plans and capabilities of State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, and private sector owners and operators of critical infrastructure, as appropriate, in order to promote interoperability and to prevent redundancies and conflicting lines of authority. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall coordinate the integration of Federal continuity plans and operations with State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, and private sector owners and operators of critical infrastructure, as appropriate, in order to provide for the delivery of essential services during an emergency.
(11) Continuity requirements for the Executive Office of the President (EOP) and executive departments and agencies shall include the following:
(a) The continuation of the performance of PMEFs during any emergency must be for a period up to 30 days or until normal operations can be resumed, and the capability to be fully operational at alternate sites as soon as possible after the occurrence of an emergency, but not later than 12 hours after COOP activation;
(b) Succession orders and pre-planned devolution of authorities that ensure the emergency delegation of authority must be planned and documented in advance in accordance with applicable law;
(c) Vital resources, facilities, and records must be safeguarded, and official access to them must be provided;
(d) Provision must be made for the acquisition of the resources necessary for continuity operations on an emergency basis;
(e) Provision must be made for the availability and redundancy of critical communications capabilities at alternate sites in order to support connectivity between and among key government leadership, internal elements, other executive departments and agencies, critical partners, and the public;
(f) Provision must be made for reconstitution capabilities that allow for recovery from a catastrophic emergency and resumption of normal operations; and
(g) Provision must be made for the identification, training, and preparedness of personnel capable of relocating to alternate facilities to support the continuation of the performance of PMEFs.
(12) In order to provide a coordinated response to escalating threat levels or actual emergencies, the Continuity of Government Readiness Conditions (COGCON) system establishes executive branch continuity program readiness levels, focusing on possible threats to the National Capital Region. The President will determine and issue the COGCON Level. Executive departments and agencies shall comply with the requirements and assigned responsibilities under the COGCON program. During COOP activation, executive departments and agencies shall report their readiness status to the Secretary of Homeland Security or the Secretary's designee.
(13) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall:
(a) Conduct an annual assessment of executive department and agency continuity funding requests and performance data that are submitted by executive departments and agencies as part of the annual budget request process, in order to monitor progress in the implementation of the Plan and the execution of continuity budgets;
(b) In coordination with the National Continuity Coordinator, issue annual continuity planning guidance for the development of continuity budget requests; and
(c) Ensure that heads of executive departments and agencies prioritize budget resources for continuity capabilities, consistent with this directive.
(14) The Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall:
(a) Define and issue minimum requirements for continuity communications for executive departments and agencies, in consultation with the APHS/CT, the APNSA, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Chief of Staff to the President;
(b) Establish requirements for, and monitor the development, implementation, and maintenance of, a comprehensive communications architecture to integrate continuity components, in consultation with the APHS/CT, the APNSA, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Chief of Staff to the President; and
(c) Review quarterly and annual assessments of continuity communications capabilities, as prepared pursuant to section 16(d) of this directive or otherwise, and report the results and recommended remedial actions to the National Continuity Coordinator.
(15) An official designated by the Chief of Staff to the President shall:
(a) Advise the President, the Chief of Staff to the President, the APHS/CT, and the APNSA on COGCON operational execution options; and
(b) Consult with the Secretary of Homeland Security in order to ensure synchronization and integration of continuity activities among the four categories of executive departments and agencies.
(16) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall:
(a) Coordinate the implementation, execution, and assessment of continuity operations and activities;
(b) Develop and promulgate Federal Continuity Directives in order to establish continuity planning requirements for executive departments and agencies;
(c) Conduct biennial assessments of individual department and agency continuity capabilities as prescribed by the Plan and report the results to the President through the APHS/CT;
(d) Conduct quarterly and annual assessments of continuity communications capabilities in consultation with an official designated by the Chief of Staff to the President;
(e) Develop, lead, and conduct a Federal continuity training and exercise program, which shall be incorporated into the National Exercise Program developed pursuant to Homeland Security Presidential Directive-8 of December 17, 2003 ("National Preparedness"), in consultation with an official designated by the Chief of Staff to the President;
(f) Develop and promulgate continuity planning guidance to State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, and private sector critical infrastructure owners and operators;
(g) Make available continuity planning and exercise funding, in the form of grants as provided by law, to State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, and private sector critical infrastructure owners and operators; and
(h) As Executive Agent of the National Communications System, develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive continuity communications architecture.
(17) The Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall produce a biennial assessment of the foreign and domestic threats to the Nation's continuity of government.
(18) The Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall provide secure, integrated, Continuity of Government communications to the President, the Vice President, and, at a minimum, Category I executive departments and agencies.
(19) Heads of executive departments and agencies shall execute their respective department or agency COOP plans in response to a localized emergency and shall:
(a) Appoint a senior accountable official, at the Assistant Secretary level, as the Continuity Coordinator for the department or agency;
(b) Identify and submit to the National Continuity Coordinator the list of PMEFs for the department or agency and develop continuity plans in support of the NEFs and the continuation of essential functions under all conditions;
(c) Plan, program, and budget for continuity capabilities consistent with this directive;
(d) Plan, conduct, and support annual tests and training, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, in order to evaluate program readiness and ensure adequacy and viability of continuity plans and communications systems; and
(e) Support other continuity requirements, as assigned by category, in accordance with the nature and characteristics of its national security roles and responsibilities
General Provisions
(20) This directive shall be implemented in a manner that is consistent with, and facilitates effective implementation of, provisions of the Constitution concerning succession to the Presidency or the exercise of its powers, and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 (3 U.S.C. 19), with consultation of the Vice President and, as appropriate, others involved. Heads of executive departments and agencies shall ensure that appropriate support is available to the Vice President and others involved as necessary to be prepared at all times to implement those provisions.
(21) This directive:
(a) Shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and the authorities of agencies, or heads of agencies, vested by law, and subject to the availability of appropriations;
(b) Shall not be construed to impair or otherwise affect (i) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budget, administrative, and legislative proposals, or (ii) the authority of the Secretary of Defense over the Department of Defense, including the chain of command for military forces from the President, to the Secretary of Defense, to the commander of military forces, or military command and control procedures; and
(c) Is not intended to, and does not, create any rights or benefits, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by a party against the United States, its agencies, instrumentalities, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
(22) Revocation. Presidential Decision Directive 67 of October 21, 1998 ("Enduring Constitutional Government and Continuity of Government Operations"), including all Annexes thereto, is hereby revoked.
(23) Annex A and the classified Continuity Annexes, attached hereto, are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this directive.
(24) Security. This directive and the information contained herein shall be protected from unauthorized disclosure, provided that, except for Annex A, the Annexes attached to this directive are classified and shall be accorded appropriate handling, consistent with applicable Executive Orders.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Darfur Solution

if you are alive
there is a chance you will survive
the solution to the crisis in Darfur
is the responsibility
of all those nations who have benefited
and continue to profit
from the mining and the oil concerns of Sudan
these nations must rescue these doomed people
by taking them immediately into their nations
healing their wounds
and providing sustenance for them
i know of 34 acres for sale one hour south of richmond virginia
in the middle of nowhere
for $284 thousand dollars
you set up a restricted and quarantined compound
with adequate medical
food and water
teach them to farm and raise livestock
once a person has become adequately rehabilitated
you find rural communities in a warm climate nation
beginning with the north africa nations
who would be willing to take them on
and continue the process
Monday, June 04, 2007
which goes to show you
how far jack and jill are willing to go
up the hill
to fetch a pail of water
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Blaming Gazans vs. Loving Enemies

PM: Palestinian extremists to blame for Gazans' suffering Haaretz ^ | 5/29/7 |by SmithL:
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Tuesday blamed Palestinian extremism for being primarily responsible for the suffering of Gaza Strip residents.
"Gaza residents are the victims of extremism and leaders who are willing to shed their blood and deprive them of the right to live in peace and security," said Olmert, during a Knesset event honoring the local authorities.
Olmert added that "Israel will not cease its operations against those launching Qassam rockets, and will not hesitate to strike those responsible for terrorism."
"We have no intention of reaching any kind of settlement, neither with Hamas nor with Islamic Jihad," said the prime minister. "We will hit them and continue to hit them."*****************
Christ's words win the hearts of thousands in Israel —The Gospel of Matthew, First Century :
Christ, the Messiah of Israel said that it is better to love your enemies and do good those who spitefully use you. He said that if someone strikes you on one cheek turn to him the other. He said to give to everyone who asks of you. He said "Have no fear".
History shows repeatedly that when these principles are practiced people live in peace, and that when they are rejected many people will die in their wars.
Mahatma Gandhi said that he was testing the words of Jesus to see if they worked on a corporate level in the present and on a corporate or national level. India gained her independence from the British without warring against them except through passive non violent social disobedience. She proved to the world that the best way to conquer one's enemies is through love as Christ had taught. The reason that people use violence is that it is simply the natural instinctive thing to do. Those whose life and philosophy represents what is beyond or above the natural and instinctive and aspire to the supernatural and intuitive have these powers and inspire others to embrace them as well. They make higher use of their faculties of intellect and will and therefore peace is the result.
The name of Jerusalem means "City of Peace" it is the first truly international city and possibly the oldest which predates the patriarch Abraham who is the father of the Israel and the Arab peoples. It was founded by Melchisadek who was called the priest of Salem and considered to be the first son of Noah, Shem.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Italian City Faces Rubbish Crisis

*****NEWS FLASH!!!******* This just in:
One of the area's landfill sites is full, meaning that rubbish collectors have not been doing their rounds.
The streets are stinking, piled with thousands of tonnes of rotting rubbish in sweltering temperatures.
President Giorgio Napolitano, who is from Naples, has pledged to help end the crisis.
The southern city of one million people is experiencing an early heatwave that has already seen temperatures touch 30C.
"The stench is truly unbearable. Look at all these dogs running about. We'll all die at this rate," local student Michela Giordano told Reuters news agency.
'Threat of toxins'
Frustrated residents have taken to torching heaps of rubbish - by one count, there were 130 such fires on Tuesday night alone, reports the BBC's Mark Duff in Milan. (more)
[Post post]
Mafia Dominates Garbage Industry |
By Francesca Colombo*
An estimated 158 families in organized crime rings in Italy are getting rich off the trafficking of 35 million tons of garbage a year.
MILAN - Traditional areas of business apparently came up short for the Italian mafia, which is diversifying into a new and promising field: trafficking in toxic waste that poses a threat to residents' health and the environment, moving 2.6 billion dollars a year.
Italy produces 80 million tons of waste a year – both ordinary trash and toxic waste -- of which 35 million tons are handled by criminal organizations, like "cosa nostra" of Sicily, "La 'ndreghetta reggina" of Calabria, "sacra corona" of Puglia or the "camorra" in Naples, which deal with waste collection, elimination and recycling.
"It's a complex problem. It is too costly for industries to treat their waste, so they accept the offers of the trafficking companies, which charge 400 times less than the others," said Stefano Di Franco, chief of Rome's Forestry Corps, a police unit specializing in environmental protection.
The mafia, which emerged in Italy in the 19th century, manages 78 billion dollars a year, a flow that comes from extortion, smuggling and drug trafficking. But it also controls prostitution, clandestine immigration, and trafficking of human organs, weapons and animals, according to the study "Crime and Money", published in 2002 by the Bocconi University of Milan. (more)